沐桐坊 長短尺

沐桐坊 長短尺

沐桐坊 長短尺

雙色黑檀木手工製造鑲嵌桐花銀飾 / 銅條 彩繪壓克力外盒

長尺 475mm x 50mm x 5mm

短尺 255mm x 50mm x 5mm




觸感綿密、香味餘韻搭配嵌入式銅條配重 ,

增添手感 視覺 及味覺 並搭配手製不織布外套自用送禮都是最佳選擇

Rules were hand-made from recycled Taiwan original cypress,

cut to sizes with bronze stripe insertion to provide extra weight

and support to the straightness of the rule,

two tone decoration and non-woven cloth sleeve included.

Custom designs are welcomed.